About UGRCat

About UGRCat and its objective

UGRCat is a bilingual (Spanish-English) catalogue of programmes and courses offered by the University of Granada. Its development was proposed by the Vice-Rectorate for Internationalization as a response to the commitment undertaken by the University of Granada to publish and regularly update our course catalogue in Spanish and English on our institutional website, as established in the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education.

It also serves a need for transparency in order to foster better understanding between different institutions and countries, and internal and external stakeholders. To achieve this aim, it includes the items listed by the ECTS Users’ Guide 2015 published by the European Commission. For example, the programme catalogue includes information such as the admission requirements, the qualification awarded, the length of the programme and the mode of study. Likewise, the course catalogue offers up-to-date information on every individual educational component, for instance the code, title, type or content.


This tool has been designed to offer prospective students, as well as other internal and external stakeholders, clear and accessible information on the educational programmes and courses offered by the University of Granada.

Features of UGRCat

UGRCat provides a search engine to conduct simple and advanced searches of programmes and courses using keywords, codes, branches, campuses, mobility windows, etc.

Credits and technical information

UGRCat was designed by Dr. Silvia Montero-Martínez, member of the Department of Translation and Interpreting of the University of Granada, and the technical support of Si2.

UGRCat uses the TBX-Basic standard to facilitate the exchange of bilingual data between UGRCat, UGRTerm and other tools related to the management and translation of texts both within and outside the UGR.


Prospective students may view the latest academic year as a guide, bearing in mind that some programmes and courses may not be offered next year, and new ones not shown here may be available. You may also find useful information on our webpages “Grados“, “Másteres, and “Doctorados“.


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