General information
Academic year: 2023/2024
Level: Bachelor
Type: Bachelor's Degree
ECTS Credits: 246
Length of programme (full time): 4 YEARS
Mode of delivery: Face-to-face
Level of qualification: Graduado(a) (MECES level 2 - EQF level 6)
Model of study: Full-time (42-60 ECTS per school year)
Mobility windows:
Academic Information for mobility students
Work-based learning (Practicum): Yes
More info:
Programme coordinator
Faculty of Communication and Documentation / Granada campus
Field(s) of education and training (ISCED-F)
- Audio-visual techniques and media production (0211)
Main focus
This degree programme trains professionals to have the scientific, humanistic, and technical skills necessary to understand and explain audiovisual communication processes. The skills acquired will enable them to create and produce original audiovisual projects. Graduates will have the basic skills to carry out professional activity in the whole of the audiovisual sector, namely, in distribution activities, audiovisual production and media exhibition with the purpose of promoting and improving the communicative effectiveness of individuals and/or companies that require their services.
1. Plan and manage human, budgetary and technical resources in the various stages of production of both audiovisual and multimedia projects.
2. Manage production techniques and processes, recording and diffusion in the organisation of radio and recording production, as well as other sound products.
3. Write texts, rundowns and scripts in film, television, video graphics, radio, and multimedia fields, and analyse audiovisual stories.
4. Identify the processes and techniques involved in the direction and management of audiovisual companies in their industrial structure.
5. Incorporate and adapt to professional audiovisual teams, and lead and efficiently manage projects, taking into account principles of social responsibility.
6. Have an in-depth knowledge of theories, methods, and problems of audiovisual communication and languages that support professional activity, based on disciplinary requirements and professional skills.
7. Critically analyse media contents, structures, agents, and operations, which make up the contemporary media system.
8. Define and investigate original research topics and innovative personal creation projects that contribute to the knowledge and development of audiovisual and multimedia discourse.
9. Know the legal system of communication, which establishes the framework for professional practice as well as the ethics and deontology of public communication.
Programme qualification
Name of title awarded in original language
Graduado o Graduada en Comunicación Audiovisual
Qualification requirements
– The student must prove the level B1, in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
– The student has to complete the ECTS credits of the study program distributed as follows: Basic Formation (60 ECTS) Obligatory (126 ECTS) Optional (48 ECTS) Practicum (6 ECTS) Final degree project (6 ECTS)
Access to further studies
This Bachelor’s degree gives access to master’s studies.
Programme courses
Specialisation name
‘- Audiovisual Creation and New Media
– Audiovisual and Entertainment Industries
– Audiovisual Communication and Society
Admission information
Access to Bachelor’s Degree programmes is granted to students with the following degrees/ diplomas or studies, or any other recognized as equivalent to these:
A.1. Spanish Bachiller, European Baccalaureate or International Baccalaureate.
A.2. Baccalaureate from European Union Member States’ education systems or other countries withinternational agreements.
A.3. Advanced Technician in Vocational Training, Advanced Technician in Plastic Arts and Design orAdvanced Technician in Sports Education, from the Spanish Education System.
A.4.Studies carried out in European Union Member States or in other countries with international reciprocal agreements which meet the academic requirements in those States to access their university studyprogrammes.
A.5. Official Spanish university degrees of Diplomado, Arquitecto Técnico, Ingeniero Técnico, Licenciado, Arquitecto, Ingeniero, Graduado or Máster Universitario.
A.6. Partial (foreign or Spanish) university studies.
Access to Bachelor’s Degree programmes is also possible for:
B.1. People over twenty-five after successfully passing a specific access test.
B.2. People over forty with work or professional experience related to a university field of knowledge.
B.3. People over forty-five after successfully passing a specific access test.
Likewise, access to Bachelor’s Degree programmes is granted to:
C.1. People meeting the requirements to enter university according to the Spanish Education Systemregulations prior to Ley Orgánica 8/2013, of December 9.
General regulations
Grading scale
In the Spanish university system, modules/courses are graded on a scale of 0 to 10 points with the following qualitative equivalence:
0-4,9: «suspenso»; 5-6,9: «aprobado»; 7-8,9: «notable»; 9-10: «sobresaliente». A special mention, «Matrícula de Honor» may be granted to up to 5% of the students in a group provided they have got a «sobresaliente». To pass a module/course is necessary to get at least 5 points.
In cases of recognition of ECTS, professional experience, cultural or sports activities, or student representation no grading will be recorded but, where appropriate, the word «Apto».
UGR Examination Regulations
More info on academic regulations at:
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