General information
Academic year: 2021/2022
Level: Bachelor
Type: Bachelor's Degree
Length of programme (full time): 4 YEARS
Mode of delivery: Face-to-face
Level of qualification: Graduado(a) (MECES level 2 - EQF level 6)
Model of study: Full-time (42-60 ECTS per school year)
Mobility windows:
Academic Information for mobility students
Work-based learning (Practicum): Yes
Language(s) of instruction Spanish
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Programme coordinator
Name: SUSANA, RAMS SÁNCHEZ / susanarams@ugr.qos7fDpi2Fles
Faculty of Education / Granada campus
Field(s) of education and training (ISCED-F)
- Teacher training without subject specialization (0113)
Main focus
The Bachelor’s Degree in Primary School Education qualifies graduates for professional practice as primary school teachers. The main objective of this degree programme is to provide teacher training, according to the principles stated in Article 1 and the goals listed in Article 2 of Organic Law 2/2006 on Education (3 May 2006) (BOE of 04-04-2006) as amended by Organic Law 8/2013 on the Improvement of Education Quality (9 December) (BOE of 10-12-2013).
1. Understand the complexity of educational processes in general and teaching and learning processes in particular, as well as the psychological, pedagogical, and social foundations of learning processes in a wide range of educational contexts.
2. Know the areas of the primary education curriculum, the interdisciplinary relations between them, evaluation criteria and the didactic knowledge pertaining to teaching and learning procedures.
3. Design and manage educational interventions and spaces in diverse contexts in consonance with gender equality, fairness, and respect for human rights as values in a plural society.
4. Acquire skills, strategies, and habits of cooperative and autonomous learning and instil them in students by encouraging personal and collective initiatives.
5. Generate and maintain a positive atmosphere in the school, based on respect for individual differences. interpersonal relations, democratic participation in the classroom and the school, as well as an awareness of how to collaboratively deal with diverse types of problematic situations and interpersonal conflicts
6. Effectively address learning situations in multicultural and plurilingual contexts. In the case of the bilingual group, this means that teachers should have at least a B2 level in English in order to teach curricular contents in that language.
7. Know the organisation of primary education schools and the diversity of actions involved in their functioning, including actions related to guidance and tutoring, models of evaluation, and improvement of school quality along with a critical analysis of results.
8. Know the functions, possibilities, and limitations of education with a view to responding to social responsibilities and promoting alternatives that meet such needs and which lead to a sustainable and socially committed future.
9. Understand the teaching profession as a process of lifelong learning, and being able to adapt to social, pedagogic, and scientific changes throughout life with a commitment to innovation, teaching quality, and the refreshing of teaching practices by incorporating reflective processes and the contextualized application of experiences and scientifically grounded programmes.
Programme qualification
Name of title awarded in original language
Graduado o Graduada en Educación Primaria por la Universidad de Granada
Qualification requirements
– The student must prove the level B1, in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
– The student has to complete the ECTS credits of the study program distributed as follows:
Basic Formation (60 ECTS)
Obligatory (144 ECTS)
Optional (30 ECTS)
Practicum (44 ECTS)
Final degree project (6 ECTS)
Access to a regulated profession
Professional Status Primary School Teacher
Applicable regulations The profession of primary school teacher is regulated in the Resolution by the Spanish Council of Ministers of 14 December 2007 (published in the Official Spanish Gazette, dated 21 December 2007) Order ECI/3857/2007, dated 27 December, establishes the requirements for the verification of official university degrees that license graduates to practice the profession of primary school teacher.
Programme courses
Specialisation name
– Musical Education
– Physical Education
– Special Education
– Foreign Language
– Therapeutic Pedagogy
– Curricular Deepening
– Attention To Diversity
– Hearing and Speech
– Arts and Humanities
– Mathematics and Experimental Sciences
– Specialisation In Information and Communications Technology
Admission information
Access to Bachelor’s Degree programmes is granted to students with the following degrees/ diplomas or studies, or any other recognized as equivalent to these:
A.1. Spanish Bachiller, European Baccalaureate or International Baccalaureate.
A.2. Baccalaureate from European Union Member States’ education systems or other countries withinternational agreements.
A.3. Advanced Technician in Vocational Training, Advanced Technician in Plastic Arts and Design orAdvanced Technician in Sports Education, from the Spanish Education System.
A.4.Studies carried out in European Union Member States or in other countries with international reciprocal agreements which meet the academic requirements in those States to access their university studyprogrammes.
A.5. Official Spanish university degrees of Diplomado, Arquitecto Técnico, Ingeniero Técnico, Licenciado, Arquitecto, Ingeniero, Graduado or Máster Universitario.
A.6. Partial (foreign or Spanish) university studies.
Access to Bachelor’s Degree programmes is also possible for:
B.1. People over twenty-five after successfully passing a specific access test.
B.2. People over forty with work or professional experience related to a university field of knowledge.
B.3. People over forty-five after successfully passing a specific access test.
Likewise, access to Bachelor’s Degree programmes is granted to:
C.1. People meeting the requirements to enter university according to the Spanish Education Systemregulations prior to Ley Orgánica 8/2013, of December 9.
General regulations
Grading scale
In the Spanish university system, modules/courses are graded on a scale of 0 to 10 points with the following qualitative equivalence:
0-4,9: «suspenso»; 5-6,9: «aprobado»; 7-8,9: «notable»; 9-10: «sobresaliente». A special mention, «Matrícula de Honor» may be granted to up to 5% of the students in a group provided they have got a «sobresaliente». To pass a module/course is necessary to get at least 5 points.
In cases of recognition of ECTS, professional experience, cultural or sports activities, or student representation no grading will be recorded but, where appropriate, the word «Apto».
UGR Examination Regulations
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