General information

Academic year: 2022/2023

Level: Master

Type: Erasmus Mundus Master's Degree

ECTS Credits: 120

Programme orientation Research

Length of programme (full time): 2 YEARS

Mode of delivery: Face-to-face

Level of qualification: Máster (MECES level 3 - EQF level 7)

Model of study: Full-time (42-60 ECTS per school year)

Mobility windows: Mandatory
Academic Information for mobility students

Work placement: Yes

Language(s) of instruction Spanish, French, English

More info: programme website

Programme coordinator



Students who have completed the second cycle have the following competences:
– They possess and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity for originality in the development and/or application of ideas, often in a research context.
– They are able to apply their acquired knowledge and problem-solving skills in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their field of study.
– They are able to integrate knowledge and deal with the complexity of making judgements on the basis of incomplete or limited information, including reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgements.
– They know how to communicate their conclusions, and the knowledge and ultimate reasons behind them, to specialist and non-specialist audiences in a clear and unambiguous way.
– They possess the learning skills to enable them to continue studying in a largely self-directed or autonomous manner.

Programme qualification

Name of title awarded in original language

Máster Universitario Erasmus Mundus en Excelencia en Salud Pública

Qualification requirements

120 minimum credits

Programme courses

Course NameYearPeriod
Advanced Core module Biostatistics 1st Year Yearly
Advanced Core Module Epidemiology 1st Year Yearly
Advanced Core Module Epidemiology 1st Year Yearly
Advanced Core module- Biostatistics 1st Year Yearly
Advanced Core Module- Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences 1st Year Yearly
Advanced Core Module- Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences 1st Year Yearly
Advanced Multivariate Regression Analysis 1st Year Yearly
Advanced Planetary Health 1st Year Yearly
Advanced qualitative methods 1st Year Yearly
Analysis in Epidemiology (I) 1st Year Yearly
Analysis of Public Action in Health 1st Year Yearly
Applied Research Methods & Data Management 1st Year Yearly
Attitude Change and Social Influence 1st Year Yearly
Biostatistics 1st Year Yearly
Biostatistics I 1st Year Yearly
Biostatistics II 1st Year Yearly
Change Management and Leadership 1st Year Yearly
Chronic Disease Epidemiology 1st Year Yearly
Clinical efectivness 1st Year Yearly
Communicable Disease Control 1st Year Yearly
Communicable Disease Epidemiology 1st Year Yearly
Confronting Public Health Problems 1st Year Yearly
Contemporary Health Psychology and Behaviour Change 1st Year Yearly
Context Strategy and Health Management 1st Year Yearly
Coordinated/Managed Care 1st Year Yearly
Critical Approach to Evidence-Based Public Health 1st Year Yearly
Critical Windows of Exposures and Vulnerability 1st Year Yearly
Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials 1st Year Yearly
Design and Analysis of Multimedia Messages – Health Applications 1st Year Yearly
Design and Methods in Epidemiology 1st Year Yearly
Diffusion, Implementation and Quality Assurance of Health Innovations in Europe 1st Year Yearly
Disaster and Emergency Management 1st Year Yearly
Dissertation and Placement 1st Year Yearly
Dissertation and Placement 1st Year Yearly
Economic Burden of Diseases 1st Year Yearly
Economic Evaluation and Healthcare Financing 1st Year Yearly
Environmental Health 1st Year Yearly
Epidemiological Surveys Applied to Nutrition 1st Year Yearly
Epidemiology 1st Year Yearly
Epidemiology 1st Year Yearly
Ethics and decisions in Health 1st Year Yearly
Ethics and People's Right 1st Year Yearly
Ethics in Health Organization 1st Year Yearly
Europe as one zone: European Health Law & Policies: The Translation of Evidence into Norms 1st Year Yearly
Evaluation and Prevention Methods in Health Psychology 1st Year Yearly
Financial Resources for Health 1st Year Yearly
Fundamentals of Epidemiology 1st Year Yearly
Further Statistics For Health Science Researchers 1st Year Yearly
General Introduction to Public Health 1st Year Yearly
GIS & Environmental Health 1st Year Yearly
GIS and environmental health 1st Year Yearly
Graduate Teaching Assistant 1st Year Yearly
Health Economics 1st Year Yearly
Health Economics & Management 1st Year Yearly
Health economics, finance and determinants 1st Year Yearly
Health Impact Assessment in all Policies 1st Year Yearly
Health Needs Assessment, Planning and Evaluation 1st Year Yearly
Health Pedagogy (Learning to Learn in Health) 1st Year Yearly
Health Policy and Management 1st Year Yearly
Health Promotion 1st Year Yearly
Health Promotion 1st Year Yearly
Health Promotion 1st Year Yearly
Health Promotion and its Determinants 1st Year Yearly
Health Services Management 1st Year Yearly
Health System Goals and Performance in Transition 1st Year Yearly
Health Technology Assesment and Rational Pharmaceutical Policy 1st Year Yearly
Healthcare Regulations and Legislation 1st Year Yearly
Human Resources 1st Year Yearly
Human Resources for Health 1st Year Yearly
Identifying and assessing good and best practices in health 1st Year Yearly
Impact Assessment in Environmental Health 1st Year Yearly
Implementation Science 1st Year Yearly
Improved knowledge of health prevention and promotion strategies 1st Year Yearly
Improved knowledge of health prevention and promotion themes 1st Year Yearly
Improved knowledge of methods and evaluation 1st Year Yearly
Infectious disease epidemiology 1st Year Yearly
Infectious Disease Epidemiology 1st Year Yearly
Integration Module 1st Year Yearly
Integration Module 1st Year Yearly
Integration Module 1st Year Yearly
Integration Module 1st Year Yearly
Integration Module 1st Year Yearly
Integration Module 1st Year Yearly
Integration Module (at EHESP in Rennes-France) 1st Year Yearly
Integration Module (at EHESP in Rennes) 1st Year Yearly
Integration Module 2-Interspecialisation (in EHESP Rennes) 1st Year Yearly
Integrative Module 1st Year Yearly
International Health I 1st Year Yearly
International Health II 1st Year Yearly
Internship 1st Year Yearly
Internship and methodology 1st Year Yearly
Intervention strategies and methods in health prevention and promotion 1st Year Yearly
Introduction to Environmental Health & Science 1st Year Yearly
Introduction to Epigenetics 1st Year Yearly
Introduction to Governance and leadership in European Public Health 1st Year Yearly
Introduction to Governance in Health System 1st Year Yearly
Introduction to Health Economics 1st Year Yearly
Introduction to Knowledge Synthesis, Systematic Reviews & Meta-Analysis 1st Year Yearly
Introduction to Organisational Analysis 1st Year Yearly
Introduction to Public Health: public health systems and policies 1st Year Yearly
Introduction to R: computing, graphics for statistics & Epidemiology 1st Year Yearly
Introduction to Research Methods 1st Year Yearly
Introduction to Statistics and Critical Appraisal 1st Year Yearly
Key issues to Global Public Health 1st Year Yearly
Leading and Managing Health Services 1st Year Yearly
Managed Care and Clinical Governance 1st Year Yearly
Market and Economic Incentives in Health Care 1st Year Yearly
Master¿s Dissertation and Work Placement 1st Year Yearly
Master¿s Dissertation and Work Placement 1st Year Yearly
Master's Dissertation 1st Year Yearly
Master's Seminar 1st Year Yearly
Measuring and Comparing Health in Europe – Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches 1st Year Yearly
Minor A ISB Multidimensional & multivariate statistical methods 1st Year Yearly
Minor A ISB Multidimensional & multivariate statistical methods 1st Year Yearly
Modeling of infectious diseases 1st Year Yearly
Modern-day challenges in Health promotion and prevention 1st Year Yearly
Módulo de Integración 1st Year Yearly
Multi-level Analysis 1st Year Yearly
New Public Management in Health Care 1st Year Yearly
Non-Communicable Disease Epidemiology 1st Year Yearly
Nutritional Epidemiology 1st Year Yearly
One Health 1st Year Yearly
One Health Concept and Integrative Health Approaches 1st Year Yearly
Organisation of Health Systems 1st Year Yearly
Organization of health and social care sectors 1st Year Yearly
Perinatal & Pediatric Epidemiology 1st Year Yearly
Projections of Health Care Expediture and Revenue 1st Year Yearly
Public Health Informatics 1st Year Yearly
Public Health Law and Governance 1st Year Yearly
Public Health Leadership (strand) 1st Year Yearly
Public Health Practice & Policy 1st Year Yearly
Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods 1st Year Yearly
Qualitative Research Design and Analysis 1st Year Yearly
Qualitative Research Methods 1st Year Yearly
Quality Assurance and Total Quality Manangement 1st Year Yearly
Research and Evidence 1st Year Yearly
Research Methods / Dissertation and placement 1st Year Yearly
Research methods applied to health prevention and promotion 1st Year Yearly
Research Methods in Genetic Epidemiology 1st Year Yearly
Research methods in public health 1st Year Yearly
Responsibility 1st Year Yearly
Risk Perception, Communication & Behavioural Change 1st Year Yearly
Seguridad del paciente 1st Year Yearly
Setting up and management of health prevention and promotion projects 1st Year Yearly
Societal and Ethical Health Issues 1st Year Yearly
Societal Aspects of Health 1st Year Yearly
Sociology & Social Epidemiology 1st Year Yearly
Sociology of Health and Illness 1st Year Yearly
Spatial Statistical analysis 1st Year Yearly
Strategies to Combat Social Inequalities in Health and Health Literacy 1st Year Yearly
SUPRA OPTIONAL Advanced core module in Health Policy and Management 1st Year Yearly
SUPRA OPTIONAL Advanced Core Modules in Social and Behavioural Sciences 1st Year Yearly
SUPRA OPTIONAL Chronic Disease Epidemiology 1st Year Yearly
SUPRA OPTIONAL Decision analysis in Public Health 1st Year Yearly
SUPRA OPTIONAL GIS & Environmental Health 1st Year Yearly
SUPRA OPTIONAL Health policies and health system analysis in Low & Middle Income Countries (LMIC) 1st Year Yearly
SUPRA OPTIONAL Humanitarian Health in Crisis Situation 1st Year Yearly
SUPRA OPTIONAL Infectious Disease Epidemiology 1st Year Yearly
SUPRA OPTIONAL Modelling of Infectious Diseases 1st Year Yearly
SUPRA OPTIONAL Perinatal & Pediatric Epidemiology 1st Year Yearly
SUPRA OPTIONAL Spacial Statistical Analysis 1st Year Yearly
Systematic Reviews and Critical Appraisal Techniques 1st Year Yearly
The control of environmental infectious diseases 1st Year Yearly
The EU, Enlargement and Global Health 1st Year Yearly
Thesis Preparation 1st Year Yearly
Transdisciplinary Approaches to Public Health Problems 1st Year Yearly
Using Policy to Strengthen Health Systems 1st Year Yearly


Specialisation name

– No Specialisation. University Of Sheffield
– No Specialisation. Université de Liège
– No Specialisation. University College Dublin
– Advanced Biostatistics and Epidemioloy
– Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
– Health Promotion and Prevention
– Health, Law and Ethics
– Health Services Management
– Leadership In European Public Health
– Governance Of Health System In Transition

Admission information

Access to Master’s Degree programmes is granted to holders of:
A.1. A Spanish official university degree.
A.2. A degree issued by a Higher Education institution from another European Higher Education Area Member State which allows access to Master Degree’s programmes in that State.
A.3. A degree from a non-EHEA education system, upon verification by the Spanish University that the aforementioned degree accredits an equivalent education level to that of a Spanish university degree and allows access to postgraduate programmes in the issuing country.
A.4. A Spanish Bachelor in Advanced Artistic Education.
A.5. Official Spanish university degrees of Diplomado, Arquitecto Técnico, Ingeniero Técnico, Licenciado, Arquitecto, Ingeniero, Graduado or Máster Universitario.

Specific admission requirements

Language competence in one or two languages appropriate to the chosen mobility combination and languages of instruction. In English, for the 1st year at the University of Sheffield, a minimum level of C1 on the scale of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages is required.

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