General information

Academic year: 2023/2024

Level: Master

Type: Erasmus Mundus Master's Degree

ECTS Credits: 120

Programme orientation Research

Length of programme (full time): 2 YEARS

Mode of delivery: Face-to-face

Level of qualification: Máster (MECES level 3 - EQF level 7)

Model of study: Full-time (42-60 ECTS per school year)

Work-based learning (Practicum): Yes

Language(s) of instruction Spanish, English, Italian

More info: programme website

Programme coordinator


Faculty of Arts / Granada campus

Main focus

; Graduates of the Erasmus Mundus Master’s Degree in Women’s and Gender Studies will be able to understand the development of gender theories and research methods; The programme will provide students with insights into Gender Studies as an interdisciplinary field and an awareness of its transnational and cross-cultural dimensions; Students will also be capable of analysing the intersections of gender with other differentiating features such as race, social class, ethnicity, age, sexuality, etc; Moreover, the programme focuses on competences such as the selection and use of research tools as well as the ability to analyse the social, ethical and political implications of feminist research; Furthermore, they will be aware of how to create gender equality activism and policy-making, and gender mainstreaming.


Students that have completed the second cycle have the following competencies: – Have demonstrated knowledge and understanding that is founded upon a basis or opportunity for originality in developing and/or applying ideas, often within a research context. – Can apply their acquired knowledge and understanding, and problem solving abilities in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their field of study. – Have the ability to integrate knowledge and handle complexity, and formulate judgments with incomplete or limited information, but that include reflecting on social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments. – Can communicate their conclusions, and the knowledge and rationale underpinning these, to specialist and non-specialist audiences clearly and unambiguously. – Have the learning skills to allow them to continue to study in a manner that may be largely self-directed or autonomous.

Programme qualification

Name of title awarded in original language

Máster Universitario Erasmus Mundus en Estudios de las Mujeres y de Género

Qualification requirements

120 minimum credits

Programme courses

Course NameYearPeriod
(Post) Colonial Transitions and Transitional Justice 1st Year 2nd Semester
Academic Writing Part 1 1st Year Yearly
Academic Writing Part 2: Thesis Development 1st Year Yearly
Academic Writing Part 2: Thesis Development 1st Year Yearly
Advanced Introduction to Gender Research 1st Year 2nd Semester
Affect Theory 1st Year Yearly
Approaching Women's Studies 1st Year 1st Semester
Bibliographical and Documentary Resources for Women's Studies 1st Year 2nd Semester
Bodies Across Borders 1st Year Yearly
Commodification of the Human Body 1st Year Yearly
Communism and Gender 1st Year Yearly
Contemporary Cultural Theory 1st Year 2nd Semester
Contemporary Feminist Debates 1st Year 2nd Semester
Cultural Diversity, Diasporas and Globalisation 1st Year 2nd Semester
Debating Global Literary Culture 1800-Present 1st Year 1st Semester
English Women's Literature 1st Year 2nd Semester
Equal Opportunities: Work, Employment and Citizenship 1st Year 2nd Semester
Femimist History: Feminist Historiography 1st Year 1st Semester
Feminism and Sexuality 1st Year 2nd Semester
Feminist and Queer Studies: Special Topics 1st Year 2nd Semester
Feminist Approaches in Discourse Analysis: Language and Literature 1st Year 2nd Semester
Feminist Approaches to Art and Affect 1st Year 2nd Semester
Feminist Biopolitics I 1st Year Yearly
Feminist Biopolitics II 1st Year Yearly
Feminist Cultural Activism 1st Year 1st Semester
Feminist Histories – Feminist Historiographies 1st Year 1st Semester
Feminist Historiography 1st Year 1st Semester
Feminist Historiography: Feminist Histories 1st Year 1st Semester
Feminist History 1st Year 1st Semester
Feminist History: Feminist Historiography 1st Year 1st Semester
Feminist History: Women's Movements World-wide 1st Year 1st Semester
Feminist History: Women's Movements Worldwide 1st Year 1st Semester
Feminist History. Storia delle Donne: Women's Movements Worldwide 1st Year 1st Semester
Feminist Literature and Philosophy 1st Year 2nd Semester
Feminist methodologies: Feminist Research Methodologies 1st Year 1st Semester
Feminist Methodologies: Interdisciplinary Methods in Women's Studies 1st Year 1st Semester
Feminist Methodology 1st Year 1st Semester
Feminist Methodology 1st Year 1st Semester
Feminist Methodology: Interdisciplianry Methods in Women¿s Studies 1st Year 1st Semester
Feminist Methodology: Interdisciplinar Methods in Women's Studies 1 1st Year Yearly
Feminist Methodology: Interdisciplinar Methods in Women's Studies 2 1st Year Yearly
Feminist Perspectives in Social Anthropology: Watching and Writing from a Feminist Ethnographic Perspective 1st Year 2nd Semester
Feminist Qualitative Reseacrch Methods 1st Year Yearly
Feminist Research Methodologies 1st Year 2nd Semester
Feminist Research Practice 1st Year 2nd Semester
Feminist Research: Case Studies (I) 1st Year 2nd Semester
Feminist Research: Case Studies (II) 1st Year 1st Semester
Feminist Theory 1st Year 1st Semester
Feminist Theory: Between Difference and Diversity 1st Year 1st Semester
Feminist Theory: Between Difference and Diversity 1st Year 1st Semester
Feminist Theory: Equality, Difference and Diversity 1st Year 1st Semester
Feminist Theory: Equality, Difference and Diversity 1st Year 1st Semester
Feminist Theory: Ways of (Feminist) Knowing 1st Year 1st Semester
Feminist Theory: Women and Science 1st Year 1st Semester
Foundations 1st Year Yearly
Foundations in Gernder Studies II 1st Year Yearly
From Wollstonecraft to Jane Austen: Femininity and Literary Culture 1st Year 2nd Semester
Gender & Academic and Creative Writing 1st Year 1st Semester
Gender and Archaeology 1st Year 1st Semester
Gender and Education 1st Year 2nd Semester
Gender and Migration 1st Year 1st Semester
Gender and Nationalism 1st Year Yearly
Gender and Peace 1st Year 2nd Semester
Gender and Violence 1st Year 1st Semester
Gender and Violence in the Old German Literatures 1st Year 1st Semester
Gender and Welfare State: International Perspective 1st Year 2nd Semester
Gender Representations in Advertising 1st Year 1st Semester
Gender, Art and Literature: The Representation of Women in Literary and Visual 1st Year 1st Semester
Gender, Body and Women in History: Health Practices and Scientific Discourse 1st Year 1st Semester
Gender, Class and Race in Colonial America 1st Year 2nd Semester
Gender, Culture and Development: Africa 1st Year 1st Semester
Gender, Labor Markets, Neoliberalism 1st Year Yearly
Gender, Labor Markets, Neoliberalism 1st Year Yearly
Gender, Sexuality and the Non/Human 1st Year Yearly
Gender, Theory and Practice in Films 1st Year 2nd Semester
Gendered Memories of the Holocaust 1st Year Yearly
Gendered Memories of the Holocaust 1st Year Yearly
Gendered Memories of the Holocaust 1st Year Yearly
German Women's Literature 1st Year 2nd Semester
History of Feminism: History of Feminist Thought 1st Year 1st Semester
History of Feminism: The History of Women and Contemporary Historiography 1st Year 1st Semester
Human Rights and Gender 1st Year 2nd Semester
Intersectionality & Interdisciplinarity in Gender Studies Research 1st Year Yearly
Intersectionality and Audience Analysis in Feminist Classroom, Part 1 1st Year 2nd Semester
Intersectionality and Audience Analysis in Feminist Classroom, Part II 1st Year 1st Semester
Introduction to Gender in Postmodern Visual Culture 1st Year 2nd Semester
Issues in Postcoloniality 1st Year 2nd Semester
Italian Women's Literature 1st Year Yearly
Japanese Literature and Culture within a Gender Perspective 1st Year 1st Semester
Knowledge, Gender and Translation Geopolitics: from Discursive to the Decolonial Turn 1st Year 2nd Semester
La Frontera and the New Mestiza Consciousness: Race, Ethnicity and Gender at the US-Mexican Border 1st Year 1st Semester
Law and Social Control 1st Year 2nd Semester
Literature, National Identity and Gender 1st Year 2nd Semester
Master Thesis preparation, submission and defense 1st Year 2nd Semester
Master's Degree Dissertation 1st Year 2nd Semester
Master's Degree Dissertation 1st Year 2nd Semester
Master's Degree Dissertation 1st Year 2nd Semester
Master's Degree Dissertation 1st Year 2nd Semester
Master's Degree Dissertation 1st Year 2nd Semester
Master's Degree Dissertation 1st Year 2nd Semester
Medicalisation and suffering. Women who use legal and illegal drugs 1st Year 1st Semester
Medieval Women's Literature 1st Year Yearly
Men and Masculinities 1st Year 2nd Semester
Methods, Sources, Research and Documentation for Women's Studies 1st Year 1st Semester
Nation and Gender 1st Year 2nd Semester
NOISE Summer School/Research School I 1st Year 2nd Semester
Oral History 1st Year Yearly
Popular Culture 1st Year Yearly
Postcolonialism, Diasporas and Representation 1st Year 2nd Semester
Public Lecture Seires 1 1st Year Yearly
Public Lecture Series 2 1st Year Yearly
Qualitative Methods 1st Year 1st Semester
Quantitative Methods and Data Analysis 1st Year 1st Semester
Queer Therory 1st Year Yearly
Reimagining Social Movements 1st Year Yearly
Religion and Secularism: Postsecular Perspectives 1st Year 2nd Semester
Research Design Seminar I 1st Year 1st Semester
Russian Women's Literature 1st Year 2nd Semester
Sexological Subjects 1st Year Yearly
Sexological Subjects 1st Year Yearly
Sexological Subjects 1st Year Yearly
Social Media, Data & Society 1st Year 2nd Semester
Social Work and Social Intervention from a Gender Perspective 1st Year 2nd Semester
Socio-Educational Transformations in 20th Century Spain: Feminism and Equality Proposals 1st Year 2nd Semester
Somatechnics: Bodies and Power in a Digital Age 1st Year 2nd Semester
Space, Body, Gender 1st Year 2nd Semester
Spanish Women's Literature 1st Year 2nd Semester
Specialized Research Seminar 1st Year 2nd Semester
The Body in the Feminist Theory and Practice 1st Year 1st Semester
The Revision of the Body in Women's Literature 1st Year 1st Semester
Theory and Critical Research I 1st Year 2nd Semester
Thesis Writing Workshop 1st Year Yearly
Understanding Social Media 1st Year 1st Semester
Violence Against Women: Psychological and Social Analysis 1st Year 2nd Semester
War and Imperialism: Feminist and Postcolonial Perspectives on Nationalism 1st Year 1st Semester
Ways of (Feminist) Knowing 1st Year 2nd Semester
Woman and Social Sciences 1st Year 1st Semester
Women and Law 1st Year 1st Semester
Women and Science 1st Year 1st Semester
Women in Classical Antiquity 1st Year 1st Semester
Women in European Texts: Comparative Perspectives 1st Year 2nd Semester
Women Painters in Western History of Arts 1st Year 1st Semester
Women, Citizenship and Conflict 1st Year 2nd Semester
Women, Films and the Visual Arts 1st Year 2nd Semester
Women's and Gender History: an Introduction to Theory, Methodology and Archives 1st Year Yearly
Women's Education in Contemporary World 1st Year 1st Semester
Women's Movements in Italian Modern History 1st Year 2nd Semester
Women's Northern Literature and Culture: Cultural representations of Women and Gender in Finno-Ugric northern contexts 1st Year 1st Semester
Women's Northern Literature and Culture: Women's cultural memory in Scandinavian Tradition 1st Year 1st Semester
Women's Popular Culture: Critical Utopias 1st Year 1st Semester
Women's Popular Culture: Women's Travel Literature 1st Year 1st Semester
Work Placement 1st Year 2nd Semester


Specialisation name

– No Specialisation

Admission information

Access to Master’s Degree programmes is granted to holders of:
A.1. A Spanish official university degree.
A.2. A degree issued by a Higher Education institution from another European Higher Education Area Member State which allows access to Master Degree’s programmes in that State.
A.3. A degree from a non-EHEA education system, upon verification by the Spanish University that the aforementioned degree accredits an equivalent education level to that of a Spanish university degree and allows access to postgraduate programmes in the issuing country.
A.4. A Spanish Bachelor in Advanced Artistic Education.
A.5. Official Spanish university degrees of Diplomado, Arquitecto Técnico, Ingeniero Técnico, Licenciado, Arquitecto, Ingeniero, Graduado or Máster Universitario.

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