General information

Academic year: 2023/2024

Level: Master

Type: Official Master's Degree

ECTS Credits: 60

Programme orientation Research

Length of programme (full time): 1 YEAR

Mode of delivery: Face-to-face

Level of qualification: Máster (MECES level 3 - EQF level 7)

Model of study: Full-time (42-60 ECTS per school year)

Work-based learning (Practicum): Yes

Language(s) of instruction Spanish

More info: programme website

Programme coordinator


Faculty of Arts / Granada campus


Students that have completed the second cycle have the following competencies: – Have demonstrated knowledge and understanding that is founded upon a basis or opportunity for originality in developing and/or applying ideas, often within a research context. – Can apply their acquired knowledge and understanding, and problem solving abilities in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their field of study. – Have the ability to integrate knowledge and handle complexity, and formulate judgments with incomplete or limited information, but that include reflecting on social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments. – Can communicate their conclusions, and the knowledge and rationale underpinning these, to specialist and non-specialist audiences clearly and unambiguously. – Have the learning skills to allow them to continue to study in a manner that may be largely self-directed or autonomous.

Programme qualification

Name of title awarded in original language

Máster Universitario en Historia Contemporánea

Qualification requirements

60 minimum credits

Programme courses

Course NameYearPeriod
21st Century France(s): Between History and Memory 1st Year 1st Semester
A Transition from Dictatorship to Democracy: Spain (1975-1981) 1st Year 1st Semester
Authoritarianisms, Resistances and Democracies 1st Year 1st Semester
Basque Nationalism in a Comparative Perspective 1st Year 1st Semester
Biography in Contemporary Historiography 1st Year 2nd Semester
Book Publishing, Reading and Policies in 20th Century Spain 1st Year 1st Semester
Capitalism and Economic Inequality: History and Alternatives 1st Year 1st Semester
Civil Wars and Revolutions in the 20th Century: A Comparative Analysis 1st Year 2nd Semester
Clientelism and Political Power in Rural Societies (19th and 20th Centuries) 1st Year 1st Semester
Collective Memory and Knowledge of the Traumatic Past: Transnational History of the 19th and 20th Centuries 1st Year 2nd Semester
Communism. History, Projects and Variants of a Revolutionary Model 1st Year 1st Semester
Constructing and Deconstructing the International System in the Contemporary World 1st Year 1st Semester
Contemporary Asia 1st Year 1st Semester
Contemporary China: Crisis, Revolution and Global Rise 1st Year 1st Semester
Contemporary Eastern Europe and Eurasia 1st Year 2nd Semester
Contemporary History of Peace. Actors, Dynamics and Processes 1st Year 1st Semester
Contemporary History: Historiographical Controversies, Views and Perspectives 1st Year 2nd Semester
Contemporary War and Political Violence: Historiographical Perspectives 1st Year 1st Semester
Cultural and Political History of Capitalism 1st Year 2nd Semester
Cultural History of Politics. Social Identities in the 19th Century 1st Year 1st Semester
Cultural History: Subjects, Objects and Methods 1st Year 2nd Semester
Cultural, Intellectual, Social and Political Relations in the Contemporary Age 1st Year 2nd Semester
Culture, Politics and Society in Fascism 1st Year 2nd Semester
Dictatorship and Memories of the 20th Century: Coup, Civil War and Francoism 1st Year 2nd Semester
Dictatorship and Memory in 20th Century Latin America 1st Year 2nd Semester
Dictatorship, Society and Politics 1st Year 1st Semester
Direction and Management of Publishing Projects and Information and Documentation Units 1st Year 1st Semester
Elites, Power and Clientelism in Liberal Spain 1st Year 2nd Semester
Environmental History, Agroecology and Rural Societies 1st Year 1st Semester
Europe-America Mobility: Human and Cultural Exchanges 1st Year 1st Semester
Europe: Strengths and Weaknesses of a Global Project 1st Year 2nd Semester
European History and Construction 1st Year 1st Semester
Exclusions, Participation and Representation in Contemporary Political Systems 1st Year 2nd Semester
Exiles and Transnational Experiences 1st Year 1st Semester
Fascism and Dictatorships. Culture, Politics and Society 1st Year 2nd Semester
Fascism, Authoritarianism and Totalitarianism in the 20th Century 1st Year 1st Semester
Forest and Hydraulic Policies in Contemporary Spain 1st Year 2nd Semester
Forms of Conflict and Rural Violence in Contemporary Europe 1st Year 1st Semester
Francoism and Anti-Francoism. Past and Present 1st Year 2nd Semester
From Empire to Nation-State 1st Year 1st Semester
From Empires to Communism in Central and Eastern Europe 1st Year 1st Semester
From Mass Media to Social Media 1st Year 1st Semester
Gender and Historical Research 1st Year 2nd Semester
Gender Relations and Identities in Contemporary History 1st Year 2nd Semester
Globalisation and International Relations 1st Year 2nd Semester
Historiographical Narratives and Perspectives on the Spanish Civil War 1st Year 1st Semester
Historiography and Society in Contemporary Spain 1st Year 1st Semester
Historiography: Historical Science in the 21st Century 1st Year 2nd Semester
History and Cinema: Culture, Industry, Propaganda, Social Representation and Consumption 1st Year 2nd Semester
History and International Relations 1st Year 1st Semester
History of Gender Relations in Contemporary Societies 1st Year 2nd Semester
History of Political Corruption in Contemporary Society 1st Year 2nd Semester
History of Sexualities in Latin America (19th-20th Centuries) 1st Year 2nd Semester
History of Spanish Culture in the 20th Century 1st Year 2nd Semester
History, Fiction and Transmedia Creation 1st Year 2nd Semester
History, Historiography and Memory: The Spanish Civil War 1st Year 2nd Semester
Intellectuals, Culture and Change in Europe from the End-of-the-Century Crisis to the End of World War II 1st Year 1st Semester
Intellectuals, University and Politics in Interwar Europe 1st Year 2nd Semester
International Society: Old and New Conflicts 1st Year 1st Semester
Jurisdictions and Autonomy in the Europe of Nation-States from 1775 to the Present-Day 1st Year 1st Semester
Keys to Present-Day Spain. Political Cultures and Society 1st Year 1st Semester
Knowledge and Public Use of the Past 1st Year 2nd Semester
Labour Movement in Contemporary Spain 1st Year 1st Semester
Languages and Political Cultures in Europe 1st Year 1st Semester
Late-Francoism and Transition to Democracy in Spain. From Local History to the International Sphere 1st Year 1st Semester
Latin America in the Contemporary Age: Structure, Realities and Conflicts 1st Year 1st Semester
Latin America in the Contemporary International System 1st Year 1st Semester
Latin American Politics and Culture in the Contemporary World 1st Year 1st Semester
Leaving, Fleeing and Surviving: Migration and Exile to and from Contemporary Spain 1st Year 2nd Semester
Lecture Series 1st Year Yearly
Lecture Series 1st Year Yearly
Lecture Series 1st Year Yearly
Lecture Series 1st Year Yearly
Lecture Series 1st Year Yearly
Lecture Series 1st Year Yearly
Lecture Series 1st Year Yearly
Lecture Series 1st Year Yearly
Left-Wing Political Cultures in 20th Century Spain 1st Year 1st Semester
Management of Artistic, Documentary and Heritage Resources for Contemporary History Exhibition Projects 1st Year 1st Semester
Master's Dissertation 1st Year Yearly
Memory and History 1st Year 2nd Semester
Memory and Utopia: The Left Wing in the 20th Century 1st Year 2nd Semester
Methodology and Sources for Research 1st Year 1st Semester
Middle East: Crossroads, Conflict and War 1st Year 2nd Semester
Modern Economic Growth 1st Year 1st Semester
Nation and Liberalism in Spain and Europe 1st Year 2nd Semester
Nation and Nationalism in Contemporary Spain 1st Year 1st Semester
Nation, Constitution and State in Contemporary Spain 1st Year 2nd Semester
Nationalisation Processes and Nationalist Movements in Contemporary Spain 1st Year 2nd Semester
Nations and Nationalisms: Identities, Mobilisation and Culture from a Transnational Perspective 1st Year 2nd Semester
Other Perspectives: History and Historiographical Practice of Social Theory 1st Year 2nd Semester
Paradoxes of Reaction. Counter-Revolutionaries, Anti-Liberals and Catholics Facing the Challenges of Modernity 1st Year 2nd Semester
Parliament and Representation in the Contemporary World 1st Year 1st Semester
Perspectives on Contemporary Military and War History 1st Year 2nd Semester
Political and Social Mobilisation 1st Year 2nd Semester
Political Cultures and Parties in the Contemporary World 1st Year 1st Semester
Political Cultures in the United States 1st Year 2nd Semester
Political Cultures of Francoism and Anti-Francoism 1st Year 2nd Semester
Political Regimes of the 20th Century 1st Year 2nd Semester
Politics and Cultural Dynamics in 19th Century Europe 1st Year 2nd Semester
Politics and Culture of 19th Century Liberalism: A Transatlantic Approach 1st Year 1st Semester
Politics and Power Elites in Contemporary Spain 1st Year 2nd Semester
Politics, Utopia and Discontent in Latin America 1st Year 1st Semester
Population Movements, Exiles, Migrations and Deportations in Contemporary Society 1st Year 2nd Semester
Power, Knowledge and Desire: The Selection of Political Elites in Contemporary Spain 1st Year 1st Semester
Present-Day History: Research Methodology and Sources 1st Year 1st Semester
Present-Day Spain: A Historical Analysis 1st Year 2nd Semester
Processes of Decolonisation and Political and Social Reconfiguration of Africa and Asia in the 20th and 21st Centuries 1st Year 1st Semester
Revolutionaries and Reactionaries: Transnational History of Political Mobilisation 1st Year 1st Semester
Secularism, Anticlericalism and Religion in Contemporary Europe 1st Year 1st Semester
Social History and Cultural History of Dictatorships: Francoism and Fascism 1st Year 1st Semester
Social History of Contemporary Sport 1st Year 2nd Semester
Social Media Analysis: Economic Power and Corporate Power in the 20th Century 1st Year 2nd Semester
Social Movements and Collective Action in Contemporary History 1st Year 1st Semester
Social Movements and Living Standards in Contemporary Spain 1st Year 2nd Semester
Society and Politics During the Franco Period 1st Year 1st Semester
Solidarity, Resistance and Cooperation in the Global South 1st Year 1st Semester
Space, Society and Political Cultures in the Contemporary City 1st Year 1st Semester
Spain from 1975 to the Present Day 1st Year 1st Semester
Spanish Foreign Policy. From Francoism to Democracy 1st Year 1st Semester
State, Nation and Violence in the Contemporary World 1st Year 1st Semester
The Construction of Democracy in the Contemporary World 1st Year 2nd Semester
The Contemporary Americas: Social, Political and Cultural Practices 1st Year 1st Semester
The Contemporary International System 1st Year 2nd Semester
The Evolution of Spanish Society (19th-21st Centuries) 1st Year 1st Semester
The Islamic World: Politics and Societies 1st Year 2nd Semester
The Right Wing in Contemporary Spain 1st Year 1st Semester
The Urban World in the 20th Century: Practices, Sociability and Mobilisation from a Global Perspective 1st Year 2nd Semester
Theory, History and Social Change 1st Year 2nd Semester
Transitions to Democracy in the 20th Century 1st Year 1st Semester
Urban Culture and New Identities in the Contemporary Age 1st Year 2nd Semester
Urban Modernity and Daily Life in Contemporary Society 1st Year 1st Semester
Urban Society in 19th Century Spain 1st Year 1st Semester
Urban Society in 20th Century Spain. Urban Transformation and Social Change 1st Year 1st Semester
Violence, Trauma and Historical Truth: Pedagogies for Democratic Memories 1st Year 1st Semester
Visual Culture, History and Image 1st Year 2nd Semester
War and Post-War in the Contemporary Age 1st Year 1st Semester
Women and the Rural and Urban World: Work, Consumption and Sociability 1st Year Yearly
Women and the Rural and Urban World: Work, Consumption and Sociability 1st Year 2nd Semester
Women in Contemporary Spain: From Romantics to the Feminist Movement 1st Year 1st Semester
Women, Gender and History in Contemporary Spain 1st Year 1st Semester
World War II and the New European Order, a Transnational Approach 1st Year 2nd Semester


Specialisation name

– No Specialisation

Admission information

Access to Master’s Degree programmes is granted to holders of:
A.1. A Spanish official university degree.
A.2. A degree issued by a Higher Education institution from another European Higher Education Area Member State which allows access to Master Degree’s programmes in that State.
A.3. A degree from a non-EHEA education system, upon verification by the Spanish University that the aforementioned degree accredits an equivalent education level to that of a Spanish university degree and allows access to postgraduate programmes in the issuing country.
A.4. A Spanish Bachelor in Advanced Artistic Education.
A.5. Official Spanish university degrees of Diplomado, Arquitecto Técnico, Ingeniero Técnico, Licenciado, Arquitecto, Ingeniero, Graduado or Máster Universitario.

General regulations

Grading scale
In the Spanish university system, modules/courses are graded on a scale of 0 to 10 points with the following qualitative equivalence:
0-4,9: «suspenso»; 5-6,9: «aprobado»; 7-8,9: «notable»; 9-10: «sobresaliente». A special mention, «Matrícula de Honor» may be granted to up to 5% of the students in a group provided they have got a «sobresaliente». To pass a module/course is necessary to get at least 5 points.
In cases of recognition of ECTS, professional experience, cultural or sports activities, or student representation no grading will be recorded but, where appropriate, the word «Apto».


UGR Examination Regulations


More info on academic regulations at:

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